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A force of nature on Earth,
human, lover, or even a ghost.


Author photo of Denae Terese

Denae Terese Hintze

I am passionate about how poetry taps into our emotions and enriches our perception of life. It is more than just words; it's a feeling, a connection to ourselves and the world around us. 


Taking in the aroma of coffee first thing in the morning, or waking up to orange hues in the horizon as the sun meets another day. How mesmerizing it can be to see starling murmurations. Witnessing sudden acts of kindness. The way a stranger carries themselves, recognizing another world as intricate and unique as your own. 


Poetry breathes sustenance in times of trial and tribulation. It helps us express our pain and find comfort in knowing we are not alone. I’ve spent majority of my life journaling, but it wasn’t until my own hardships had I grown an attachment to writing.


I am a recovering addict, and one of my past struggles was with prescription medication, which ultimately resulted in a severe break from reality. Before you stands the culmination of my healing journey, stemming from the few words I've chosen to share about where it all began.

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"As daylight burns daylight,I will dream myself into something new"

Poetry book
florence 2.png

"This relatable collection is 

honest in a refreshing way that

will resonate with adult 

readers from many walks of life.

With messages of self-resilience

 and moving through

heartache to the other side,

"Letters From Gardenia"

is sure to inspire those who are

navigating hardships

of their own."

- Lisa Quinn

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